sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2016

2019 Top Draft Prospects


Fabian MoreauCB1UCLASr6-0200
Jordan LucasCB3Penn StateSr6-0198
William JacksonCB5HoustonSr6-1175
Domonique NobleCB––Georgia TechrSr6-1216
Donovan RileyCB––Virginia TechSr5-11207
Juston BurrisCB––NC StaterSr6-1207
Steven MontgomeryCB––MinnesotarSr5-10206
Cortez JohnsonCB––OklahomarSr6-2206
Danzel McDanielCB––Kansas StateSr6-1205
Kweishi BrownCB––Arizona StateSr5-11205
Matthias FarleyCB––Notre DamerSr5-11204
Ra'Chard PippensCB––StanfordrSr6-2202
Jalen BrownCB––Notre DamerSr6-1202
Kenya DennisCB––MissouriSr6-0200
Alvin HillCB––MarylandSr5-11200
Josh M. HarrisCB––Wake ForestrSr5-11200
Wayne MorganCB––SyracuseSr5-10199
Wayne LyonsCB––MichiganrSr6-1196
Patrick GloverCB––ArizonaSr6-1196
Anthony BrownCB––PurdueSr5-11195
Eric MurrayCB––MinnesotaSr6-0195
Lafayette PittsCB––PittsburghrSr5-11195
Morgan BurnsCB––Kansas StateSr5-11195
Larry ScottCB––Oregon StaterSr5-11195
Naji PatrickCB––Oregon StaterSr5-8195

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